Tuesday, March 18, 2008


In two months time, I will have finally completed my degree in Interior Design. I should be so excited, and yet I have put the inevitable off for so long. I have to figure out where my next stage in life should take place. For most I think this is fairly easy, but with my background it's kinda driving me nuts. My friends like to say that my childhood was that of a gypsy: never settled down in one place for too long. You see my Dad was an air force man, and where out government wanted him, my family went. Even after retirement, my family continued to move for one reason or another: new parental job, better schools for my siblings and me, or because the city we were in wasn't right for us. Between kindergarten and twelfth grade I had attended 11 schools. And this experience continued into my college career as well, with me attending 3 schools before I found the right one here in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. I love that I have lived in so many places. I am who I am because of these experiences and wouldn't trade them for anything. But now comes the hard part, the part I have been dreading and avoiding like the plague. Now that I am graduating: where to I go? Should I stay in Madison? Should I move closer to my family (whom I miss a ton) in Indiana despite the fact that Indianapolis is my idea of hell? Should I move out to the east coast where I have always wanted to live? Should I take the giant leap and go abroad before I have had a family and all that jazz? Most of my fellow ID students seem to have landed in Chicago or Minneapolis, with a few choosing to stay here in Madtown. Chicago scares me. It's big and it's airport has a vendetta against me (stuck there many a times overnight, and I have now gone through 3 sets of luggage from broken legs/wheels and tears). I visited Minneapolis. It was okay. Seemed pretty nice, but I didn't get that feeling. The feeling where i could see myself living there happily. Happily. That's really my goal. Wherever I go doesn't have to be big. I just want to go someplace where 1: I can find a decent job (these student loans are going to be a bitch), 2: near some sort of body of water (lake, river, retention pond, big huge pool, not too picky), and 3: where i feel like i am home and not a stranger floundering in a new place. It's alot I know, but I'm up for the challenge. Well, at least I hope I am. Wish me luck!

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